For people who want to explore different ideas for influencing our community plans and our use of the environment, in and around the Isle of Lewis and on the islands beyond.

Links to session pages

Session 0

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7


Link to our Miro Board

Sign up | Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration

Homework for Session 2

Read pages 61 - 93 See the Big Picture

Link to google form for the Local/Global Homework Exercise

Add to the Personal Doughnut on the Miro board

Decide in your peer groups which session you would like to lead


Animation recap of Chapter 1 - Change the Goal

Three students challenge outdated economics by debating with their professor about the nature of humankind, with rap and puppetry.


- The Miro world - Collaborative miro board for all the peer groups

- If you are interested in getting to grips with Miro, our lovely friends at the Dudley Colab, are running a session on Wednesday night


If you need any help at all please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

For all things “doughnut” [email protected] and for any technical help [email protected]

Peer Groups

Derek & Kevin

Matt & Marta

Rose & Mila

OXFAM Research Reports - mentioned in Chapter 1

Scotland Doughnut.pdf

Wales Doughnut.pdf

Oxfam UK Doughnut Report.pdf

South Africa Doughnut.pdf

Other Reading

Links to books for further reading recommended by our group

Recommended reads from Rose:

How to avoid a climate disaster - Bill Gates

Net Positive - Paul Polman & Andrew Winston

Reimagining Capitalism - Rebecca Henderson

Book Swap

If anyone has books they think might be enjoyed by the group and wouldn’t mind doing a book swap, let us know and we will add them here

Julia - Uprooting Islamaphobia ( Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan)

Julia - On time and water ( Andri Snaer Magnason)

Julia - Art as Social Practice - Technologies for change (Xtine Burrough & Judy Walgreen)


Economics is for everyone. Your voice matters.  If you think this group is not for you, message us anyway to find out more. Economics is for all of us because it powers so much of what happens in our lives. Just by being yourself, you will bring a take on the world of work we haven't heard yet.

From business as usual to transformative learning. Peer learning is based on trust in the knowledge, experience and perspectives of all of the learners involved. Every student is also a teacher. It can take place in formal and informal settings, online or offline and is often self-organised.